The Rise of Digital Feudalism
Democracy, Technology and the Future of Society
Shia Muslims and the spread of Corona
Shia Muslims and the spread of Corona
Corona pandemic in Iran
US sanctions, the Revolutionary Guards and the Corona pandemic in Iran
Interview mit tunesischer Musikerin Neysatu
Interview with Tunisian singer Neysatu
Corona and prisons in the Middle East
The Corona pandemic and prisons in the Middle East
Frescoes in the Syrian monastery Deir Mar Musa
Religious authorities and the spread of the Corona pandemic
Krieg in Syrien und Flucht aus Idlib
Idlib, Assad and the Syrian revolution
Interview with Yumna Al-Arashi on Islam and Femininity and the body
Interview with Yumna Al-Arashi on Islam, femininity and the body
Interview with Afghanistan’s youngest mayor Zarifeh Ghafari
Interview with Afghanistan mayor Zarifa Ghafari