Abd al-Fattah as-Sisi
An analysis of Egypt’s war on ISIS in the Sinai
Training der Frauennationalmannschaft
Interview with the captain of the women’s national football team in Libya
Razzia gegen kurdische Bürgermeister in der Türkei
Crackdown on Kurdish mayors in Turkey
Egyptian labourers in Libya
Egyptian labourers in Libya
The gun ship
Children of Tunisian IS fighters in Libyan prisons
Interview mit Fabrice Balanche über den Kampf um Idlib und die Türkei und Russland in Syrien
The crisis in Idlib and Syrian between Turkey, Iran and Russia
Parade in Teheran zum Jahrestag der Revolution in Iran
Iran sanctions and Islamic Revolution anniversary
Interview with analyst Anahit Shirinyan on Armenia
Interview with analyst Anahit Shirinyan on Armenia
Nigeria under Bihari after the presidential elections
Nigeria under Buhari after the presidential elections