The constitutional declaration is a balancing act. The dual role of Ahmad Al-Shar'a as revolutionary leader and Syria's President of the Republic remains as controversial as it is unclear.
Naseef Naeem
Was Russia really caught off-guard by the advance of the insurgents? A theory on the current situation in Syria.
Engaging in dialogue is a precondition to any path to overcome the stalemate in the Syria file, argues constitutional law expert Naseef Naeem.
Technical solutions cannot be a substitute for what Syria needs. Why a new approach is necessary.

Turkey’s interests and the goal of autonomy in northeastern Syria can be reconciled. And Russia has the chance to assume the responsibility it has aspired to for so long, argues Naseef Naeem.

Many countries in the Middle East allegedly guarantee freedom of religion as a constitutional right. In practice, this freedom is often nothing but illusory, as politicians simply override the judiciary.