
The harvest this year in the Bekaa Valley was rich.
A Model Farm

In the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon, Europeans and Syrians have created an organic farm, distributing seeds and know-how in the hope of rekindling old farming practices in Syria.

The Palestinian ghetto of Shatila in Beirut, Lebanon.
Statelessness in Lebanon

Palestinians and Syrian refugees in Lebanon live as second-class citizens, paying the price for a politics obsessed by religious denomination and origin.

A house in Yehud, in central Israel, destroyed by a Hamas-launched rocket in 2014
Averting the Middle East’s Next Big War

Recent history is littered with accidental wars. If war breaks out between Israel and Hezbollah, Iran could join the fray, with catastrophic consequences.

A truck hauls waste at the Bourj Hammoud landfill site. Untreated waste is being dumped into the sea as a part of the land reclamation project.
Will the EU Act Over Lebanon’s Pollution?

Beirut has created two giant landfills that are polluting the Mediterranean. Will the EU simply watch the unfolding environmental disaster, or will it act?

Trucks dump earth and trash into the sea as part of the land reclamation process at the Bourj Hammond landfill in Beirut.
Lebanon’s Latest Waste Crisis

Lebanon’s Khalil Gibran wrote: “In one drop of water are found all the secrets of all the oceans.” What is found today in one drop of water in Lebanon may be toxic: a threat to the health of citizens, marine life and the Mediterranean.

Trash from Beirut's landfills is being dumped into the sea, ending up on beaches and in fishermen's nets.
Interview with Constanze Flamme

Trash dumps around Beirut are leaching toxic chemicals and dumping refuse straight into the sea, killing marine life and contaminating beaches. Photographer Constanze Flamme captured the scale of the environmental disaster.

Lebanon’s Waste Crisis
Lebanon likes to advertise its Mediterranean lifestyle to lure in tourists, but the reality is that trash dumps around Beirut are leaching toxic chemicals and dumping refuse straight into the sea, killing marine life and contaminating beaches.
The Satirst Karl Sharro AKA Karl reMarks
Interview with Karl Sharro

After Brexit and Trump, polarisation of Western politics is beginning to resemble sectarianism in his native Lebanon says satirist Karl Sharro aka Karl reMarks.