
Participants at the 2016 Civic Education Conference (CEC) in Hammamet in Tunisia
Connecting Arab Civil Society

Organisations promoting civic education in the Arab world often face difficult working conditions. Connecting MENA NGOs with one another, and with NGOs in Europe, helps spread expertise and resources.

Civic education training provided an alternative to traditional and linear learning experiences, forcing self-evaluation within group dynamics.
Civic Education Training in Egypt

A bold training process empowers engaged citizens in Egypt by challenging prejudices and refining their work methods.

Hoda Kandil teaching at a workshop in Egypt.
Tackling Discrimination Against Women in Egypt

Discrimination against females in Egypt is a common occurrence, yet conversation and dynamic workshops can help women – and men – see the problems more clearly and to take a stand against intolerance.

A man and girl feed pigeons in Doha, the capital of Qatar.
History and the Qatar Diplomatic Crisis

Rooted in history, the war of words that has erupted in the Gulf between Qatar and its neighbours is an intensely personal affair for the Gulf ruling families, writes Geoffrey Martin.

Mona Shahien is the founder of Tahrir Lounge@Goethe.
The Tahrir Lounge@Goethe in Egypt

The Tahrir Lounge@Goethe is a vibrant space for dialogue and culture. With the political squeeze in Egypt, it has turned to capacity building and network development for NGOs, individuals and even ministries.

The Library Bus in Abo Mangog, a small settlement in the Nile Delta.
Reading in Egypt

With high illiteracy rates across Egypt, projects such as the Library Bus and the Café Libraries are designed to promote reading as a fun activity, a novel concept in a country where the education system focuses on rote learning.

An elderly couple relax on Gleem Beach.
Identity and Corruption in Alexandria

As Alexandria – Egypt’s second city – removes public access to beaches along its shoreline, citizens grapple with what it means to be Alexandrian in a city where the sea has defined identity.

Sarah Seliman made a 40 minute documentary with women living in Cairo - both Egyptians and foreigners - talking about the harassment they face on the street on a daily basis.
Harassment in Egypt

Visual artist Sarah Seliman created a photography and documentary project about harassment of women in public spaces in Cairo; but it took a visit to Germany to reveal the difference in social gender perceptions between the countries.