
As Middle East countries diversify their economies technical skills are in demand.
Demand Rises for German Vocational Skills Training

German training staff are becoming increasingly valued in the Middle East for their vocational education programmes. Bonn-based institute iMOVE's Silvia Niediek and Kristine Schinkmann explain how the synergy is working out well for all concerned.

Blink My Car in Lebanon's Beirut Digital District (BDD).
Lebanon's Bold Plan to Force its Banks to Invest in Tech

In 2014, Lebanon took the step of requiring its banks to invest in its knowledge economy, sparking rapid growth in the tech sector. Now other regional governments are looking to emulate Circular 331–but should they be wary of unintended consequences?

Youth in south east Morocco at the sea-side.
Peer-to-Peer Solutions to Youth Unemployment

With many countries in MENA facing nearly identical youth unemployment challenges, there’s a need for greater dialogue and cooperation in the employment services space.

A view over Amman, the capital of Jordan.
Culture and Youth Unemployment

Across the MENA region a pervasive culture of shame sees families reluctant to let their daughters join the workforce and views blue-collar jobs as dishonourable.

An abandoned checkpoint in Libya.
Doing Business in Failed States

The collapse of governments has raised questions about state assets and business contracts in the absence of an unchallenged sovereign.
